Category: Announcements Page 1 of 12


Since about mid-2016, my life has been turned upside down, life changes, job changes, everything coming all at once. Now that the dust has more or less settled, it seems a good time as any to reboot this blog.

A new chapter, started in the middle of 2017, is slowly taking shape.

House moving saga

Due to the unpacking/tidying up/rearranging and reacquainting with a new neighbourhood associated with moving to a new place, all IT hobby-projects are currently on hold. Hopefully can return to normal real soon! 😉

Google code

I have often wondered what it would be like to participate in an open-source project but felt uneasy because of a lack of confidence in my programming skills. Well, after some discussions with another team member from Donorweb to open-source some of our past work, here is my first project that is hosted on Google Code. Hopefully by announcing it here, I will be “forced” to keep putting in some effort into the project. I hope that it will be useful to the community at large.

New WordPress!

Hot off the press!

The latest release of WordPress, the blogging software that is used on this site, has just been released. Once again, the dev team has done a wonderful job and they have even provided a brief video tour of the new features. Cool!

In case you were wondering, I am already on to it!

Still around

For the past few months, work has been pretty busy. Well, being tired and stressed is a combination that is certain to kill off any creative juices… 😉

Anyway, as a result of needing to rapidly put together a simple web portal and web application, I have had to scour the internet for inspirations. The fortuitous by-product of this process is that I have managed to find many websites which carry (and good quality) free templates (for WordPress or otherwise). To cut a long story short, after sticking with fUnique theme on this blog for the past few, dormant months, I have switched to something simple and elegant – Moo-Point. This is based on Sandbox, which according to its author, is

… a theme for themers. It has the ability to be easily skinned… More experienced designers will drool at the rich semantic markup and profusion of classes, dynamically generated by a few functions. read more

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